Funny Business, is a light hearted look at some very serious issues that your business or organization have to address.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Your face shows us what your Business is saying!

RIDDLE: “It costs nothing, but creates much. It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give. It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.

Answer: Smile

Everyone Is Watching!

Sponsored by: Teton Business Solutions

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Think back to all the miserable faces you see on the way to school or work each day.

Yet, when smiled at, these same people will most often smile in return.

Check out the following facts about smiling:

72% of people think of those who smile frequently as being more confident and successful.

86% of people say that they are more likely to strike up conversations with strangers if they are smiling.

Bosses are 12% more likely to promote people who smile a lot.

Research shows that 65% of communication is non-verbal (many claim an even higher percentage).

The effects of a smile are so powerful that even a smile on the telephone produces positive results.

When someone comes into a room, people are automatically drawn to their face, and a smile provides a warm greeting.

Research has shown that when two people in conversation use the same kind of body movements and gestures (such as smiling), they will experience greater empathy for each other, which they may not even consciously notice.

The Value of a Smile: Increased sales!!!

Does the uniform your employees wear include a smile?

We all have walked into a business only to have the person working the counter stare at us with the “What the heck do you want?” look.

It doesn’t make you comfortable and deep inside it makes you just want to get what you came for and get out.

I once moved to a city just because every 7-11 store (I’m a Slurpee junkie) I went into all had sales folks that smiled at me. Really, no kidding! I had been living in Miami and was feeling bad about how everyone there seemed to be so grouchy. The friendly service I found made me believe that everyone in that town was happy. And by god they were (for the most part)!

So what do your employees’ faces say to your customers?

Do you want to make increase sales, add on’s and impulse buys? Do you want customers returning to your business? Do you want the people that come into your business talk to their friends about how nice your place is?

Teach your employees to smile!

Tip number one:

Smile at your employees and they’ll smile too.

Teach your employee the importance of the “first impression”.

Have a short training time with your employees about appearance and its effect on customers.


Talk to the folks at Teton Business Solutions for help finding employee with a smile.

Teton Business Solutions is in the business of helping your business succeed. Be it staffing, training, payroll, tax consulting and other services that will help your business stay ahead of the competition.

Pop in on the folks at Teton Business Solutions in downtown Flint, Michigan or click here to see their website: Teton Business Solutions.

You’ll be smiling all the way to the bank!