Funny Business, is a light hearted look at some very serious issues that your business or organization have to address.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Moe Howard of the “Three Stooges”, displayed incredible leadership abilities and now you can too!

[After a prolonged fight in the dark where everyone keeps hitting the wrong people before finally knocking out the bad guys]

Moe Howard: “I knew you'd get the right ones if you kept on swinging. You knuckleheads”!

I’ve read countless books on leadership and how to be a better leader. But finding stuff written about how a person can become a real leader and not just one in appearance are few and far between.

Here’s some hints and tip on leadership that have been given: Let just say they’re from the Moe Howard School of Leadership.

Remind people that you are in charge. “You guys are nothing but a bunch of Knuckleheads” Moe Howard

Never linger after a meeting. Leave A.S.A.P. so others think you’re off on more important matters. “Shut up your mouth, if I want your opinion I’d give it to you!” Moe Howard

Don’t make friends with underlings. “I can’t waste my time talking to you boneheads!” Moe Howard

Being a good leader is about being more than what you appear to be. The secret is……Integrity, gentleness and empathy.

Integrity is the incorporation of outward actions from inner values. A person of integrity is the same on the outside as on the inside.

Gentleness is best defined as: Someone with the power to crush another person but doesn’t use it. If I have to explain to you what that means then you don’t have leadership abilities, but you might make a good Moe Howard.

Empathy: "The ability to share in another's emotions, thoughts or feelings." -- Webster's New World Dictionary

If you want to persuade and influence people to buy into your vision and your leadership, you must first question them to understand them. But you must also share some of your own personal dreams, aspirations and fears so that you create a bond of mutual respect.

The best workers in the world are ones that have a personal bond to the organization they work for. Don’t create a workplace of fearful, robot, yes men. Let the most important asset your company has; be unleashed to bring you their ideas and opinions that may, just turn out to be, the best idea your company ever had!

Remember! Be the leader you would want to follow. This will inspire others to emulate you and your values.

Stephen James 

Funny Business is a humorous look at some serious issues your business or organizations have to address.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Friday Funnies From Funny Business

To get something done, a committee should consist of no more than three men, two of them absent.

To know yourself is the ultimate form of aggression.

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.

To succeed in politics, it is often necessary to rise above your principles.

Too light for heavy work and too heavy for light work.

Treat people as if they are what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of being.

Trust everybody...then cut the cards.

Try to be the best of whatever you are, even if what you are is no good.

Try to get all of your posthumous medals in advance.

Two heads are more numerous than one.

Stephen James 

Funny Business is a humorous look at some serious issues your business or organizations have to address.

Friday, July 13, 2012

People are idiots and so am I.

"If there are any idiots in the room, will they please stand up" said the sarcastic teacher.
After a long silence, one freshman rose to his feet.
"Now then mister, why do you consider yourself an idiot?" enquired the teacher with a sneer.
"Well, actually I don't," said the student, "but I hate to see you standing up there all by yourself."

Handling difficult people:

It should come as no surprise that some people in the world are idiots. They are twisted, uncooperative, cantankerous, distorted, pains in the butt. You know the person I am talking about, we all do. They’re in the work place, in politics and throughout the community.

Idiots in action

Example: Let’s pretend you’ve just arrived into a new community and decide to join a community organization. This group of volunteers is genuinely interested in working on planting gardens, sprucing up rundown areas, and repairing or removing dilapidated buildings. One member, however, opposes every measure and idea anyone suggests. More that that, he constantly attacks the motive of the others. He makes the meeting of the group so unpleasant that attendance begins to decline.

The idiot causes so much trouble that the others band together to kick his sorry buttocks out of the group.

Question: Do you join the others in outing the idiot?

The making of an idiot!

Sigmund Freud (Yes, the sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, guy) thinks that unless a person has been shown and practices love, it sickens and dies. Love includes understanding, goodwill, and respect for others. The more love and goodwill you emanate and exude, the more comes back to you.

He must have never worked with an idiot, but then again what if he’s right? Nay, let’s kick the pain in the neck out and humiliate him even more then he has been other times in his life!

Or maybe……

The practice of empathy in human relationships:

Instead of beating the crap out of him, we bite our lip; prepare our mind before the next meeting. Think about the underlying pain in this guy’s life, surround him with positive thoughts and try our best to compliment and encourage him personally as well as publicly.

I’ll be damned, it worked!

Sure it takes some time. Results don’t happen overnight. But in time the guy comes around, starts encouraging others’ ideas (after carefully but politely examining the idea and its short comings) and becomes actively involved in creating tangible results! OH MY!

The whole idea about writing about idiot comes from my self-examination of the people I associate with and how lucky I am that they’re not idiots.

This city is full of good, respectful, loving folks. Don’t let a few “idiots” get you down.

P.S. Examining and questioning ideas and motives don’t make you and idiot. Using disrespectful comments and disparaging words without proposing a solution does!

Funny Business is a humorous look at some serious issues your business or organizations have to address.