Funny Business, is a light hearted look at some very serious issues that your business or organization have to address.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Announcing a new Micro Business, here in Flint,

Announcing a new Micro Business, here in Flint, that not only helps the homeless but also the Social Media Marketing needs of your Small Business or Organization! Stephen James

Over the last winter as I was volunteering at Carriage Town Ministries’ Homeless shelter working with the men there on their employment and interviewing skills, I came to this conclusion; some of these fellows are in the same position we might be in if we were to be laid-off or unable to work due to an injury. These men have skills! But due to circumstances sometimes beyond their control, they have found themselves homeless and hopeless.

I also came to another conclusion: Many of these guys can’t get a “Normal” job because of their physical disabilities, not having a home address or because no one is willing to give them a second chance.

So, we started a new micro-business that meets their needs and also the needs of your Small Business or Organization: “Carriage Town Media Flint”, Social Media Marketing Management.

Do you want to know the best reason to use CTMediaFlint as your Social Media Manager; Customer retention! There are two things all your customers have in common. They’ve been to your place and they are on Facebook. Every time they see a soft unobtrusive posting with your business or organization’s name on it, they remember the experience and in the back of their minds they’re thinking “I need to go back there.”

For only $50.00 per month CTMedia Flint will update posting 3 x a day 365 days a year to your Facebook page or fan site. This is perfect for Restaurants, Pubs and Clubs that have a set monthly menu or have preplanned their monthly events.
Basic Facebook Package: $50.00/Month, with one year commitment.


You can step-it-up with our Standard Package: Same as the Basic Facebook Package management but we create and use Post Helpers; short, one to two sentence postings that are interesting and informative about your business or organization. Post Helpers gets your readers’ actively involved. Great not only for restaurants and clubs, but it’s the best way for Bloggers, Retailers, Service Businesses, Bands, Churches and non-profit organizations to get their message out.
Standard Facebook Package: $75.00/Month, with one year commitment.

Full “Facebook” Maintenance Campaign:

1) Three, daily relatable postings with Post Helpers, on your Facebook site.

2) One additional relatable, informative “Outside Link” posted twice weekly to your site.

3) Creation of 100-300 Friends/Fans per month to your Facebook page.

4) Two weekly relatable “site” postings from your page onto other Facebook pages with 1,000 or more friends/fans.

5) Site email: We will also, set up and monitor a separate e-mail just for your Online Social Media activities so that you will not be receiving spam e-mails within your inbox.
Full “Facebook” Maintenance Campaign: $150./Month, with one year commitment.
If you would like to learn more about what Carriage Town Media Flint can do for your small business or organizations, see our website at
email us at
And a customer representative will contact you.

Remember: “We’re all in this together!”

Stephen James

Carriage Town Media was started as a micro-business for the disabled and homeless. All our post schedulers are either on social security for their disability or are awaiting confirmation of benefits, and each is homeless. Some stay at local homeless shelters, others in resident homes. Each, at one time in their life, was hard working, tax paying citizens of our community. Each carries their own story of how they became disabled, some by workplace injury, others by disease, and some as innocent bystanders of street violence. Their workman’s comp and medical benefits have run out long ago. But the disability stayed. Unable to find or maintain jobs that they are physically capable of, these people have lost their homes, families and hope.

Carriage Town Media isn’t passing on this information to receive your sympathy or charity. We are a for-profit company. We did so, so you would better understand how hard we will be working for you. We have something to prove!

Carriage Town Media Social Media Management Starting @ $50.00 per Month. We don't control your site, we just improve it! We can post on all your social media sites! Let us post the information that your customers/friends need to know! Timely and Correctly! This months special: We can TOTALLY run your sites! $150.00 per month! LEARN MORE, CLICK HERE! . Email: