Funny Business, is a light hearted look at some very serious issues that your business or organization have to address.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Flint, Michigan Friday! Nothing to Hide.

I’ve decided to write a novel. It’s much easier to deal with fictional problems than real ones.

I had the television on in the background today while I was working at the computer. Somehow the program that was on caught my attention, a show called “All My Children”. I later learned that these kinds of shows are called “Soap Operas”. By god, why hasn’t anyone told me about these shows before! They’re a fantastic cross between reality and fantasy. They have the incredible ability of distorting the truth and cause me to want things that are not possible and to think thoughts that are harmful to my mental well-being. I need to watch more of this stuff!

We had to take one of M’s cats to the vet today. I am a dog man myself; I prefer a good hunting dog like Labrador Retrievers or Weimaraners. I owned a female Weimaraner for many years; my sister and parents both have had one. The Weimaraner is a very smart and friendly dog. I taught mine to go to the mail box, open the lid and retrieve the mail. I also taught her to lift her leg to pee. Guess back then I had too much time on my hands.

M has cats. They’re nice enough animals and I get along with them for the most part. The one cat (Fenway) will fetch a rubber ball and bring it back to you. It’s very dog-like and I have an affection for him because of it. The other cat (Sullivan) likes to climb on stuff and knock things over. He also has the uncanny and irritating ability of getting between you and whatever you’re doing. But it was while sitting in the Vet’s office that the thought came to me;”Just what is being a Veterinarian all about”. After pondering this notion for almost thirty-seven minutes, I came to this conclusion. They’re a person that spends lots of years and lots of money, studying not only human biology but beastialogy too.

I went to the Crim Race, here in Flint, Michigan. It was originally started in 1977 by a man named Bobby Crim. He was one of the first people to begin the activity called “Jogging”. Even back then he had a concern about the lack of physical fitness with the people in the community and was all about finding ways to help prevent illness due to lack of physical conditioning. Many of us just called him a “Meddler” and that jogging was nothing more than bicycling without the bicycle. Others call people like him a “Politician”.

I was living in Flint back then (Now back again after 25 years) and remember thinking “Why the hell would anyone run just for the sake of running” we lived in Flint Michigan, home of the world’s larges car manufacturer. We didn’t need to run; we have huge eight cylinder, gas guzzling automobiles sitting in our driveways that could take us the two blocks down to the store. But now years later “The Crim” is one of the larges “Running” festivals in the country. That weekend the streets of Downtown were jammed packed with thousands of people, some to walk the course, some to run and others to stroll with their families on a short course created just for them. Also, some of the top runners in the world show up here to show off their long, skinny, muscular running legs. If you’ve ever eaten frog’s legs you will have a better idea of how these runners’ legs are shaped, cept without the flippers.

Here’s the site for more information about “The Crim”.

P.S. I also discovered a new TV program called the NEWS. Its all about people telling me stuff that is supposta be important to me, but they seem to “Report” the facts using they’re own personal viewpoint, supporting they’re own personal agendas and they’re own possible financial gain. It works just like a soap opera; distorting reality and causing me to want things that are not possible and are harmful to my mental well-being. I am thinking of subscribing to the “All Nude News Channel”. At least those people have nothing to hide.

Stephen James Comedy Improv & Human Resource Training Consultant Flint,
If you’re looking to re-energize your Sales Force, inspire your Marketing Department or to encourage your Board to think “Out of the Box”, “The Stephen James Comedy Troupe Corporate Team Building” will work together with you in delivering the message you want to give! Team Building will always be a top priority for today's organizations. Building effective teamwork through leading edge corporate and organizational team building programs is one of “The Stephen James Comedy Troupe” (Corporate Team Training) greatest capabilities! And we make it so much FUN! CONTACT US AT: Email: Phone: 810-618-7517 Website:
Funny Business is a humorous look at some serious issues your business or organizations have to address.