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Monday, August 2, 2010

Reasons why to vote yes on Public Library Millage....

Because it’s one of my personal picks of the greatest social accomplishments ever created by humanity; 1) Volunteer Fire Dept. 2.) Alcoholics Anonymous 3.) Public Library 4) Disco Clubs 5) Facebook (okay, maybe not Facebook).

Other reasons:

1) Not everything is on the Internet plus, the Internet is a mile wide and an inch deep. (*See donsupporter on Flint Talk Political Forum)

2) You can check out movies and music for free

3) Lots of programs and entertainment for children.

4) You get to shush people

5) Librarians: Real live people who can help you.

6) Multiple of different programs and classes available

7) Lots of programs and entertainment for old people

And my personal favorite reasons to fund the library: LARGE PRINT BOOKS!
See more at